Genç Güncel Sanat Proje Yarışması Kataloğu

13 were many objections to the jury reports and the works to be assessed with the assessment criteria in last ten years of the State Painting and Sculpture Contest. Although, this situation is tried to cope with a new format, it was an important suggestion to keep existing institutional contests and addition of new formats to that structure, in terms of the methodology. Under the light of all the problems to be considered, the “Contemporary Art Project Contest for Youth” that is firstly arranged by the General Directorate of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is very important to understand, to perceive and to implement the new paradigm in the field where the government is not there and the private sector has already explored on the point. This project that I really find very critical with its mission and witnessed to its occurrence, is the first for the General Direc- torate who is assigned to support different fields and disciplines of the art in each year, to care and to give meaning to the field of “contemporary art”. New format that starts in 2015 and I hope that it will be maintained in coming years, is written as a success for the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The Contemporary Art Contest was defined to assess, to support, to explore the productions such as photography, video, placement, new media, toile, object which are the main dynamics of the contem- porary art, and to promote increasing the innovative productions and meet these productions with the mass and the project was found very excited by related faculties which the project determined as the target. We believe in that the intensive interests of young artists in the project will lead new projects using this new format. Prof. Tansel TÜRKDOĞAN Chair of the Selective Committee