Genç Güncel Sanat Proje Yarışması Kataloğu
51 SERGİLEME | EXHIBITION 302ɲ ɴɴ,!"ɲ ƫɲ (ɴōɴ1")ɲ 1"0$ɴɲ 2Ýƽɲ 9ɴɲ ŧ,ɴ4"01ɴ2"1ɴɲ ,Ý2ɲ "7(")ɲ 0Ýō+ 1ÝǍ,! ɲ ō 0Ýɲ Ġ!Ũ)Ũɲ )!Ýƽɲ -.) +ɲ Ƭɲ ġ!Ũ)Ũɲ 3)3,+ (2 !Ý0ƽɲ Hacettepe Üniversitesi’nde eğitimine devam etmektedir. He held 2 domestic personal exhibitions. He was given success prize in Monument Sculpture Contest of Gazi University. He has 3 rewards. He continues his education in Hacettepe University. Alper AYDIN (Ordu, 1989) KUTSAL AİLE Polyester Döküm Akrilik Polyester Cast Acrylic ƩƲƨ6ƩƨƬ6Ʃƫɲ +
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