Genç Güncel Sanat Proje Yarışması Kataloğu

74 SERGİLEME | EXHIBITION ƫƨƩƭɲ 7Ý)Ý,! ɲ Ũ2 %7 ɲ -01")",ɲ Ġ9")ɲ Ġ!Ũ)ŨǍ,Ũɲ )!Ýƽɲ , !-)3ɲ ŧ,&4"01&2"1&ɲ Ũ9")ɲ , 2) 0ɲ ,12&2Ũ1Ũɲ "0 +&(ɲ , ɲ , 2ɲ )ÝǍ,! ɲ eğitimine devam etmektedir. He was given Kütahya Porcelain Special Prices in 2014. He continues his education in the Department of Ceramic in the Institute of Fine Arts in Anadolu University. Ali Cihan KAYALIOĞLU (Bursa, 1988) TÜMEVARIM )Ý.ɲ "(,&¾&ɲƩƩƯƨ ɲ Pişirim, Seramik Mold Technique 1160C Firing, Ceramics ưƬƽƯ6ưƲƽƫ6ƮƽƮɲ +