Genç Güncel Sanat Proje Yarışması Kataloğu

7 There were 193 artists who involved in the “Contemporary Art Project Contest for Youth” that was ar- ranged to support the art works and independent creativity of the young participants who are also tried to be visible in current art environment and as a result of the assessment of the selective committee, 68 works were found worth for exhibition, 10 works were awarded “mansions” and other 10 works were rewarded prizes. Our General Directorate is happy and proud with the support it gives to the artists who make the great efforts in this field with many activities in which this contest comes first. I thank our young artists who participated in the “Contemporary Art Project Contest for Youth” that we achieved with many feelings and a great excitement, with their works, and whose works were found worth for the exhibition and prizes, the members of the “Selective Committee” that added value to the works with their knowledge and experiences, the personnel of the General Directorate who worked at every stage from the beginning of the contest to the preparation of the exhibition and catalogues. Assoc. Prof. Murat Salim TOKAÇ General Director