2018 Troya Yılı Afiş Tasarım ve Video Sanatı Yarışması Sergisi

PREFACE 7 The Young Art; Banner designedand video art competition held by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism General Directorate line Arts in 2016, has been an event of historical importance in many ways. The Ministry has retained a new competition field in additionto the competition in the field of plasticarts traditionally held by each year.This year 73 th stat epainting and sculpture competition,16 th Şefik Bursalı art competition, 17 th State Photo Contest,2 nd Young Contemporary Art Contests have made them to taking desicion to contribute to the design field of contemporary approach in integrated design and modern day. That is Why’15 th July Martyrs’ themed banner design and video art competition has been held. The design of art accross the wold’s boarders are new entierly melted at one stage more than a year of banner and video art without delay and will be supported with a traditional competition the art of ourcountry will give momentum to the design,operation and will encourage and appreciate the achievements and production place and importance of the banner and video in art nowadays is nomore dispute. But on the other hand communication, interaction, information and propaganda enviroments as these two design field can be the material or tool to art works. The banner which has became institutionalised during the modern era and the video whic gained an artistic expression field in the late modern era are no longer just a production area of commercial media but also will became a traditional competition that will be run in conjunction with artistic expression media. Our country is going through a difficult process and is becoming over many of all terrorism. Sneaky terrorist organizations aimed at unity and integrity of our country. In collaboration with the despicable attack of theTurkish Nation functioning, by covering life and stuff through the treacherousre constructs has fend off terrorism. No power will be able to disrupt Turkish unity and integrity.Like the liberation struggle seven cleats yesterday, seven strengthen the unity and the integrity of our country against trouble;besides, to Show our sense of gratitude to our security force sand remembrance of our citizens died in July 15 th , 2016, “July 15 th Martyrs” the med contest has been held. Although the competition has been held fort he 1st and for a short time with 354 banner design and 13 videos, it performed a pretty good level of participation especially in the area of banner . By this experience , it deserves more longter mregulation sand levels of participation in the coming years. The support of the Ministry to those two a fore mentioned fields will contribute to the development of contemporary art and the contest design format that they deserved. As being the President jury of the competition we would like to thank to our Ministry, The General Dİrectorate of fine arts official and to those who participated by grasping the importance of competition. Prof.Namık Kemal SARIKAVAK Selection Committee Chairman