2nci Genç Güncel Sanat Proje Yarışması Kataloğu

9 2nd Contemporary Art Project Competition For Youth and the Reflections As the youngest formatted contest of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the “Contemporary Art Pro- ject Competition For Youth” was firstly organised in 2015 with effective impressions. This contest is an important phase in terms of the reservation of a place for current art practices in the state organisation and the direction of the state contribution to various fields of art. Like the first one, I think that there is a good anthology of the young artists who produce art with new art paradigm apart from the conven- tional materials in this year, as well. This year, it will be possible to observe the experimental, interrogative, documentary attitudes resem- bling the character of the current art as the production of “students” in different faculties in the exhibi- tion and the contest which are organised for the second time. The major dynamics of current art are photograph, video, arrangement, new media, toile, object and other productions are considered, sup- ported, explored, promoted for innovative productions and to enable these productions to wider mass- es, the “Contemporary Art Project Competition For Youth” maintains its aim in this second organisation and the project is highly accepted by its target who are the students at the level of B.A., M.A. and PhD. The high interest of young artists in the project caused us to expect the predictions and route of the art in 21st century. We hope that this interest will gain an institutional identity before the Ministry and the project will be maintained in coming years. I thank all people who spend their labours for the achieve- ment of this project… Prof. Dr. Tansel TÜRKDOĞAN Chair of the Selective Committee Sunuş / Preface