2nci Genç Güncel Sanat Proje Yarışması Kataloğu

7 The “2nd Contemporary Art Project Competition For Youth” with the theme of “Culture of Cohabition” to be organised in order to support the art works and free creativity of our young participants and make them visible in current art environment, was participated by 216 young artists, as a result of the assessment of the Selective Committee, works of 32 artists were found worth to exhibit, works of 10 art- ists were found worth to mention and works of 10 artists were found worth to give prizes. Our General Directorate has the honour and pleasure of promoting our labouring artists in this field with this contest and many other activities. I want to thank to our young artists who participated with their art works containing their labour and self-sacrifice and exhibited and awarded, members of the Selective Committee who added values to these art works with their knowledge and experiences and all the personnel of our General Directorate preparing the contest, exhibition, catalogues and all the phases during the “2nd Contemporary Art Project Competition For Youth” that we achieved with such sensations and a fresh excitement for their great achievements. Assoc. Prof. Murat Salim TOKAÇ General Director