3üncü Güncel Sanat Proje Yarışması Kataloğu 2017

7 The theme of this year’s competition was designated as the quote “Whatever you are searching for, find it in yourself” from Haji Bektash Veli, who has made very important contributions towards enabling love, tolerance, peace and fraternity unity to emerge and establishing unity and solidarity in the Anatolian region. As a result, our aim is to ensure that the spiritual heritage of love and tolerance passed by Haji Bektash Veli to us continues to be a source of inspiration for young people as well as today and to keep these universal values alive with new projects and current practices in the field of art. The spiritual heritage passed by these brave people of feelings to us remains as a source an inspiration to us today as well. Ultimately, the artists, who are aware of their cultural geography, aim to make contributions to peace, enlightenment, material and moral development of their community with their production. This year, 369 applications were submitted to the “3rd Current Art Project Competition” and 48 works were deemed worthy of being exhibited, including 10 works which were granted “the achievement award” and 10 works which were given “honorable mention” as a result of an evaluation made by the selection committee. Our General Directorate is happy and proud to support our artists, who have made great efforts in this field with many events that it organizes, especially this project. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture And Tourism General Directorate of Fine Arts