4üncü Güncel Sanat Proje Yarışması Kataloğu 2018

10 11 not exclude the production; it is very obvious that it diversifies, colours the production, unifies the production with more current and realistic perceptions. On the other hand, the young artists do not hesitate to react directly to the events and facts with a tendency to be added to the external world. They are able to express their thoughts, criticisms and concerns with many aesthetic determination, situation or suggestion with social and cultural references. They have no reservation, except for minimum reasons, in these transmissions which sometimes seem narrator, sometimes simple and direct. As a result, the visual extent of the narration that they created is extremely individual and includes a sincere integration at that scale. Precisely for this reason, it reaches a different and qualified integration that overlaps with the general purposes of the artistic action. In this context, we, as members of the Selective Board, would like to thank to the people and institutions who contributed this and wish that it will continue with the same enthusiasm by emphasizing the importance of the young artist’s profile was created in the direction of more experimental and cognitive recently and Young Art/Contemporary Art Project Competition which protects the typical dynamics and plans to develop it and even encourages it. Prof. Dr. Mümtaz SAĞLAM Chairman of the Selective Board Sunuş / Preface CHASING A DIFFERENT, NEW AND SINCERE SENSITIVITY It is not wrong that approaches that question the possibilities of visual language and/or search alternative forms of discourses determine the essence of the production emerged in the field of plastic arts recently. The narrative prototypes of current language and narration conditions are no longer enough for many reasons. It is an incontrovertible fact that the priority is given to the varietal transitions especially made possible by the different techniques, mixed products developed with the new material and presentation suggestions. In this context, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism who wants to draw attention to the essential dynamics and intensity of production related to the young artists reorganized within this line, shows that they are aware of the fact that the transformation we mentioned is based on a determined attitude and sensitivity, with the Young Art/Contemporary Art Project Competition which has been organized for four years. The institutions that give the art education at the level of higher education form actually one of the most visible areas of the transformation which is almost thirty years old. It is known that applications that intensivize experiment and search with the renewed and updated lesson content, nested language and narration search or most of the socially and culturally focused projects are shaped in this places. So to say, these places include an important energy that drives the perception and sensitivity of young artist to produce: by continuing an approach based on traditional techniques and that does