
GÖBEKLİTEPE GÖBEKLİTEPE 3 2 We cannot think of Şanlıurfa as a separate place than Harran, which is another historical host city of civiliza- tions. Besides being the center of the Sabi religion, in which people worshipped the moon, the sun, planets and stars, Harran also hosted the first Islamic University of the world, which taught positive sciences. Just like it had in the past, Şanlıurfa has a lot to offer to the humanity at present. What we are trying to do is to shake off the dust upon us and uncover our true potential for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to work together to take Şanlıurfa –the city of history, culture, peace and tran- quility up to higher levels, with a bright future and huge potential. A future, in which citizens will be embraced by the state. I congratulate everyone, who contributed to the prepara- tion and publication of this great piece “Göbeklitepe” and I hope this valuable piece will benefit the readers. Celalettin Güvenç Şanlıurfa Governor Groundbreaking information on the transition to set- tled life was gathered in Göbeklitepe excavations. Göbeklitepe is a worship center from the Pre-Pot- tery Neolithic Era dating back to 10,000 B.C., which means it is 12,000 years old. 80 hectares big area was declared as 1St Degree Archeological Site by Culture and Tourism Ministry in 2005. Photo 1: Location of Göbeklitepe Photo 2: Göbeklitepe excavation works