Spiritual Consonance In The Heritage Of Kazakh And Indian Thinkers

269 Spiritual Consonance In The Heritage Of Kazakh And Indian Thinkers Türk Halk Edebiyatı CONLUSION Every nation is proud of its mentality, spiritual treasures, and intelligent minds who have left an indelible mark in their history. Indian people in the last century, such as Swami Viveka- nanda, humanist, philosopher, educator appears highlighted and shined. Ramakrishna, who is a Vivekananda’s teacher, compares him to the lamp that burns all kinds of dirt. Vivekanda history and heritage, as well as the spirit of today’s generation, the depth of the thoughts and feelings on the relevance of the themes considered the expensive figure drawing tools.Because his work is not just a legacy of the past, but a legacy of life that continues from time to time. Swami Vivekananda an indisputable rush of truths of the Indians. Vivekananda’s creativity and life is not the same as other enlighteners. His ability to express his thoughts is closely related to the people’s life. Often suffered when he thought about his country and land. The great thinker Vivekananda is an amazing person when the people are bound with their wings, the mouth is covered in a time of darkness and poverty, he was the emergence of the Indian submarine as an astonishing phenomenon. Vivekananda, he was able to find the truth for his thoughts from the sorrowful gray-haired life of that time.His main idea was to explain the bitter truth, education, morality, science, labor, but not a propagation of religion.Artistic creativity can not be easily realized, firstly he must be a talent from his birth, secondly, it is necessary to improve the life experience and in this case is evaluated. It should not be forgotten that Vivekananda’s essence of the statements is sharper in describing what is happening. Jawaharlal Nehru says about the great light of his country below: «Vivekananda is con- nected with the past, even proud of India’s popularity, consider the problems of life as modern point and he is the bond between the past and present India». We can read his biography by reading Vivekananda’s opinions and works.Because of the horrors, pains and the benefits of life he delivered by his thoughts. My main point on Swami Vivekananda’s thoughts that his poetry in social problems, education in aesthetic problems, especially religion, human and humanity, moral, philosophy in educational problems have a great influence in human life.The main purpose of teaching is to lost from people all their badness and guide the people to the right path. That Vivekananda’s thoughts are very important and saves his importance still. If correctly use all his thoughts they help not only for the Indian nation but for the whole world in education. Because Vivekananda’s basic requirements in humanity : it is morally be clean, constancy, justice, people, serve the community, and get rid of uncertainty, fear and slavery. No one can deny it all. He de- voted his entire short life to his nation and the future. People believed that he would be the leader of the nation, save them from darkness and fear. Having looked at the present life of the Indian people, it is possible to say with certainty that his faith was justified. Creativity of Vivekananda is considered a talent not only in India but also abroad. No mat-