Spiritual Consonance In The Heritage Of Kazakh And Indian Thinkers

263 Spiritual Consonance In The Heritage Of Kazakh And Indian Thinkers Türk Halk Edebiyatı They fought for the promotion of science and education. Their creative paths were the same: philosophy, religion, ethics, psychology, education, and on other problems were analyzed by them with deep philosophical ideas and rich thoughts. Abai and Swami not only shared their opinions and thoughts for the people but also left a written inheritance for the future generations. Even the thoughts in the opening words of their wise words were the same. They hoped that their written thoughts and suggestions to his people could lead them in their life. Swami Vivekananda begins his wise words as follows: “I trust my hope and faith to a person like you. Understand my words in accurate and the same way and lead yourself in the same direction. I’ve given you enou- gh advice; now you can practice at least one of them”. Swami Vivekananda examines various issues and broadcasts his thoughts through lectures and wise words in his country and abroad. He united the wise words and published eight volumes book of the so-called «Swami Vivekanan- da’s Complete Creativity Collection». Swami Vivekananda’s biographer the great European scholar, Romain Rolland, describes the power and qualities of Vivekananda’s wise words as follows: «When I read proverbs written on the pages of the book, my body vibrates like an electric current». And Abai said in his first wise word: «Well, I have decided at length: henceforth, pen and paper shall be my only solace, and I shall set down my thoughts. Should anyone find something useful here, let him copy it down or memorize it. And if no one has any need of my words, they will remain with me anyway. And now I have no other concern than that». The poet’s poems, including wise words consisting of forty-six separate works, also discusses various issues. Comparing the works of these two educators, depending on the themes of the wise words, we have divided them into the following groups: 1.Problems of education and upbringing; 2.Moral and behavioral issues; 3.Philosophical and religious ideas. PROBLEMS OF EDUCATION AND UPBRINGING The wise words of Svami Vivekananda and Abai Kunanbayev about education and art are rich in philosophical conclusions. They can be traced in the following ways. In Swami’s speech, he said: «Knowledge is not the amount of information in your brain that makes life grow there. We need to have a behavioral approach that we plan to have a life-style. If you implement five ideas and build your life and behavior, you are much smarter than the one who has memorized the whole library» - strongly insists on a person’s view of life and combines it with knowledge. And from the following words you can see the critique of knowledge: «Is it worthy of the knowledge that can not help a struggling man to fight for life, strengthen his/her character, philanthropy, and the lion’s pride? Real knowledge is something that can help one to rise his life». Abai said in his 32 nd speech, «do not attempt to do so for the sake of profit. You should love learning for its own sake and strive for it. If you value knowledge as a supreme blessing, each new truth you uncover will bring peace and satisfaction to your soul. Memorize well what is