Spiritual Consonance In The Heritage Of Kazakh And Indian Thinkers

266 Dariga KOKEYEVA T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı The above mentioned issues will be discussed in Abai’s works in more than his 20 words. He is looking for the arts, education, and labor that is necessary for humanity, the spiritual matu- rity of the human being, the moral norms of his behavior. He says in his 32th word, “human character is a vessel containing intelligence and know- ledge. Develop your character therefore! By indulging in envy and frivolity, by allowing yourself to be influenced by the words of others and momentary passions, you may forfeit your strength of character. Learning will be of no avail if the vessel that receives your knowledge is not sound. To attain your goal and be faithful to your duty, you should foster constancy of purpose, determination and strong will, for these help preserve the sobriety of your reason and the purity of your conscience. Everything should serve the cause of reason and honor». In his 27 th words: «Man is capable of thinking about his past, present and future. An animal has but a vague idea of past and present, and it cannot think of the morrow. Com- pare the outward appearance of man and beast. Man stands upright on two legs, the better to see what surrounds him. He can subjugate any animal to his will. The animals, however, rely only on their limbs and wings, they are unable to sub- due their own kind. Had God created man as helpless as animals, he would have been good for nothing. Man has been created the master of all living things upon earth. Even if animals possessed human intelligence, their outward form would have hardly matched the capacity to toil, or teach oratory and virtue. Think, can a bull build a town, make tools and become a skilled artisan? The fact that God has endowed man with high intelligence and has placed this intelligence in such a perfect body, combining both spiritual power and moral beauty, is proof that God made man with loving care. All that considered, is not humankind obliged to worship God?». Now, is it not clear that human beings are in debt to be worshiper? As we have seen in Vivekananda’s words, also in Abay’s, the human being is considered above all else. He also believes that faith in yourself is main quality. In Abai’s 45 th verse, the source of humanity is love and justice. They are omnipresent and decide everything. They are the crown of Divine Creation. Even the way a stallion takes posses- sion of a mare is a manifestation of love. He who is swayed by the feelings of love and justice is a wise man and a learned man. Unable to invent science and learning, we can only behold and perceive the created world and understand its harmony by our reason. In the saying of Abai and Swami devoted moral and moral behavior are useful for educating today’s young people and useful tool for today’s upbringing.