The Lion Of Plevna In The Songs Of Bosniaks From Sandžak

205 The Lıon Of Plevna In The Songs Of Bosnıaks From Sandžak Müzik, Oyun ve Eğlence Example 5. The song Zaplakala Šećer Đula in the living music tradition of the Bosniaks (Žero, 1995: 427) • Tekst pjesme • The lyrics of the song translated into English: • Zaplakala Šećer-Đula • Osman Paše vjerna ljuba: • “Moj Osmane, gdje si bio? • Gdje si vojsku izgubio?” • “Evo mene, Đulo mlada, • Pokraj Plevna, starog grada. • Što mi care vojske dade, • Sve mi, Đulo, za din pade. • Ja sam, Đulo, ropstva pao, • Britku sablju otpasao. • Pa sad nemam nikog svoga, • Osim Boga i svog đoga. • Đogo mi je oćorio, • A ja, Đulo, obolio. • Kad mi đogo gladan hrže, • Ja se Đulo, vezan tržem. • Đulo mlada, preudaj se, • Meni nikad ne nadaj se. • Dušman me je zarabio, • Sa tobom me rastavio!” • Sweet Rose Sheds Her Tears • Osman Paşa’s faithful love: • “My Osman, where have you been? • Where has your mighty army disappeared to?” • “Here I am, my young Rose, • Next to Plevna, the old city. • All the might of the army the sultan gave me, • All of it, my Rose, I lost for my faith. • And I myself, Rose, am captured, • My sabre no longer hangs at my waist. • Now I have no one by me, • Except God and my steed. • My steed is blinded, • And I, my Rose, am ailing. • When my steed neighs with hunger, • I, Rose, bound writhe. • My spring Rose, marry again, • Do not hope to see me again. • My enemy has captured me, • Has separated the two of us!” Lıon Of Plevna In The Songs Of Bo nıaks From Sand ž ak