The Lion Of Plevna In The Songs Of Bosniaks From Sandžak

199 The Lıon Of Plevna In The Songs Of Bosnıaks From Sandžak Müzik, Oyun ve Eğlence to Istanbul on 12 or 13 March, 1878 (Hülagü, 2015: 465). On 5 November, 1878, after just having been made the captain of the Sultan’s guard, he became a palace Marshall and retained that position until his death. He died on 4-5 April, 1900 on a Friday night and was buried next to the turbet of the Sultan Mehmeda Fatih (Hülagü, 2015: 465). Songs about Gazi Osman Paşa in ethnomusicological collections Searching for songs about Gazi Osman Paşa in the music tradition of the Bosniaks from Sandžak, we first analyzed the content of the existing ethnomusicological collections. The analy- sis included a total of 1013 songs (Table 1.): Number Ethnomusicological collection Number of analyzed songs Number of songs about Gazi Osman Paşa 1. Vasiljević, М. А. (1953). Narodne melodije iz Sandžaka. Beograd: SANU 500 1 2 2. Василевич, М. (1967). Югославские народные песни из Санджака, Записаны от народнога певца Хамдии Шахинпашича. Москва 300 2 3. Vukosavljević, P. et al. (1984). Narodne melodije igre i nošnje Peštersko-sjeničke visoravni. Beograd: Radio Beograd 2 213 0 Total 1013 4 Table 1 The results of the analysis of ethnomusicological collections 8 The results of the analysis of the content of ethnomusicological collections indicate that there are four songs about Gazi Osman Paşa. These songs include: Slavu slavi Osman Paša u Stambolu gradu (The Paşa revels in his festivities in the great city of Istanbul) (Example 1.), Zap- lakala Šećer Đula (Sweet Rose is lamenting) (Example 2.), Đes’ Osmane, đesi more (Where’s thou, Osman, where are you to be found) (Example 3.) and Proplakala Šećer Đula (Sweet Rose is shedding tears) (Example 4). Once we have analyzed the music structure and texts of these songs, we reached the conclusion that the songs Đes’Osmane, đesi more and Proplakala Šećer Đula , are merely variants of the song Zaplakala Šećer Đula . Therefore, we can speak of the song Slavu slavi Osman Paša and the song Zaplakala Šećer Đula as occurring in two more variants. 1 The number of songs in this collection is 400. However, this actual number is much higher because some of these songs can be found in variants that are significantly different from one another and which Vasiljević designated with the letters (а, б, в, г) . Therefore, we analyzed the variants as separate songs so that the total number of the analyzed songs belonging to this collection is 500. 2 The collection Folk Melodies, Dances and Clothes of Pester-Sjenica Plateau (Narodne melodije, igre i nošnje Peštersko-sjeničke visoravni) is both an ethnomusicological and ethno-core study of Pester Plateau dating from the nineties of XX century. The collection is divided into three parts. Vukosavljević was respon- sible for the first part on ethnomusicology, which contains the records on the vocal and vocal-instrumental tradition of Pester Plateau. The second part of the collection, focused on the ethno-core research, was edit- ed by Olivera Vasic. It is the study of the folk dances, common dancing places and their role in everyday life of the local people. The third part of the collection was edited by Jasna Bjeladinović and it is a description of male and female traditional clothes worn in the region of Pester Plateau. Lıon Of Plevna In The Songs Of Bo nıaks From Sand ž ak