1. Gün/1. Day-4 Ekim Sabah/4 October, Morning 1. Gün/1. Day-4 Ekim, Öğleden Sonra/4 October, Afternoon
Açılış Konuşmaları / Introductory Talks (09:00 – 11:30)
Kahve Arası / Coffee Break
12: 00 – 12: 50 Oturum Başkanı / Chair Person Prof Dr. Marcella FRANGIPANE
Prof. Dr. Marcela Frangipane (La Sapienza University): “Remembering Harald Hauptman, a great scholar, and beloved friend (15 Minutes)” beloved friend (15 Minutes)”
Yakındoğu ve Bölge Arkeolojisi Açısından Arslantepe Projesinin Önemi / The Significance of the Arslantepe Project in the Framework of Regional and Near Eastern Archaeology (12:15 – 12:55)
Prof. Dr. Mario Liverani (La Sapienza University): “The contribution of the Arslantepe long-term excavation project to Near Eastern Archaeology and excavation project to Near Eastern Archaeology and Ancient History” (20 min.)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Özdogan (İstanbul University): “İstanbul University Archaeology Department involvement in the region of Malatya in the context of ground-breaking results of Arslantepe excavations” (20 min.)
beloved friend (15 Minutes)”
Yakındoğu ve Bölge Arkeolojisi Açısından Arslantepe Projesinin Önemi / The Significance of the Arslantepe Project in the Framework of Regional and Near Eastern Archaeology (12:15 – 12:55)
Prof. Dr. Mario Liverani (La Sapienza University): “The contribution of the Arslantepe long-term excavation project to Near Eastern Archaeology and
Öğle Yemeği / Lunch Time
14:45 – 16:30 Oturum Başkanı / Chair Person Prof. Dr. Fikri KULAKOĞLU
Arslantepe Kazısı Projesi: Geçmiş ve Gelecek / The Arslantepe excavation project: Past and Future
Prof. Dr. Isabella Caneva (Salento University): “Once upon a time Arslantepe. The beginnings of the Italian upon a time Arslantepe. The beginnings of the Italian excavations” (15 min.)
Prof. Dr. Eugenia Equini Schneider (La Sapienza University): “Arslantepe 1963-1968: Historical and Topographical Data of the Roman-Byzantine Settlement”(15 min.)
Prof. Dr. Francesca Balossi Restelli (La Sapienza University): University): “Present and future perspectives at Arslantepe: Interdisciplinary researches, site protection, musealization and communication” (20 min.)
Dr. Corrado Alvaro and Dr. Giovanna Liberotti (La Sapienza University): “From traditional tools to digital technology: Documenting and analysing the 4th millennium architecture at Arslantepe” (20 min.)
Dr. Aysun Tuna (İnönü University): Dr. Aysun Tuna (İnönü University): Future projections from today’s perspective on protection practices at Arslantepe and its territory (20 min.)
Arslantepe Kazısını Ziyaret / Visit to the Arslantepe Excavations (16: 30 – 18:00)
2. Gün/2. Day-5 Ekim, Sabah/5 October, Morning 2. Gün/2. Day-5 Ekim Öğleden Sonra/5 October, Afternoon
15:00 – 16:30 Chair person Prof.Dr. Salim CÖHCE
“Farklı Coğrafi ve Kültürel Bölgeler Arasında Bir Kavşak Noktası Olarak Arslantepe / Arslantepe as a Crossroads between Different Geographical and Cultural Worlds”
2) Interregional relations in the 2nd and 1st millennia BC
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schachner (DAI-İstanbul): The Hittite State and its peripheries (20 min.) State and its peripheries (20 min.)
Dr. Federico Manuelli (Freie Universität, Berlin): “From the Margin of the Hittite State to the capital of the Kingdom of Melid: The Late Bronze and Iron Age developments at Arslantepe” (20 min.).
Prof. Dr. Francesco Di Filippo (CNR Rome) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lucia Mori (Sapienza University): “The Malatya plain in the network of interregional relations in the plain in the network of interregional relations in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages” (20 min.).
Dr. Murat Akar (Mustafa Kemal University, Antakya-Hatay): “Alalakh and Its Territorial Organization in the 2nd Millennium BC: Center and Periphery Dynamics between the Highlands and the Lowlands” (20 min.).
Kahve Arası / Coffee Break Kahve Arası / Coffee Break
17:00- 18:30 Chair person Prof.Dr.Mehmet IŞIKLI
“Bölgesel Çalışmalar, Metalürjik Gelişmeler ve Değişim Ağı / Territorial Studies, Metallurgical Developments and Exchange Networks”
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gian Maria Di Nocera (Tuscia University, Viterbo): “Settlement patterns in the Malatya plain and metallurgical developments at Arslantepe: The role of metallurgical developments at Arslantepe: The role of surrounding communities” (20 min.).
Dr. Sevgi Dönmez (Inönü University.): New contributions to the researches of the Early Bronze Age in the Malatya region (20 min.).
Dr. Haluk Sağlamtimur – Research Asst. Metin Batıhan – Research Asst. İnan Aydoğan (Ege University): "Başur Höyük, Arslantepe, and the role of metal wealth in Höyük, Arslantepe, and the role of metal wealth in funerary customs at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age in Eastern Anatolia" (20 min.).
Prof. Dr. Fikri Kulakoğlu (Ankara University): "The Geography of metal trade during the Assyrian Trade Colonies" (20 min.).
Discussion : 18:30 – 19:00
3. Gün/3. Day-6 Ekim Sabah/6 October, Morning
09 :00– 10:30 Oturum Başkanı / Chair person Prof. Dr. Yılmaz Selim ERDAL
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Eres (Istanbul Technical University): “Documenting Rural Heritage within the Malatya Province - Istanbul Technical University Historic Preservation Department Activities” (20 min.).
Prof. Dr. A. Tuba Ökse (Kocaeli University): Prof. Dr. A. Tuba Ökse (Kocaeli University): “Geography Shaping Life-Style: Similarities and Dissimilarities of the Upper Euphrates and Upper Tigris Regions during the Bronze and Iron Ages” (20 min.).
Dr. Serkan Erdoğan (Bitlis Eren University): “A necropolis belonging to the Early Bronze Age in the Upper Euphrates region: Sakyol (Pulur) Körkuyular” (20 min.). (20 min.).
Prof. Dr. Atilla Engin (Gaziantep Üniversitesi): “A Middle Bronze Age palace at Oylum Höyük and new results” (20 min.).
Kahve Arası / Coffee Break
10: 50 – 12:00 Oturum Başkanı / Chair person Prof. Dr. Francesca BALOSSI RESTELLI
Prof Dr. Alparslan Ceylan (Atatürk University), Assoc. Prof Dr. Alparslan Ceylan (Atatürk University), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nezahat CEYLAN (Atatürk University): “Karaz Kültürünün Malatya Çevresindeki Yayılımı” (15 min.).
Prof. Dr. Ilknur Taş (Hitit University) : “Malitija Town from Hittite Cuneiform Text” (15 min.).
Hüseyin Şahin (Malatya Müzesi): “Rock-cut tombs in Malatya and an example for dating: Samanköy rock-cut tomb” (15 min.). rock-cut tomb” (15 min.).
Prof. Dr. Hakan Erkuş (İnönü University), Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Aksu (İnönü University), Tolga Oral (İnönü University): “Arslantepe Höyügü kalintiralinda günümüz muhasebe ve ticaret uygulamalarinin izleri” (15 min.).
Prof. Dr. İsmail Aytaç (Fırat University), Levent İskenderoğlu: “Malatya Sevserek Han 1. Kazısı Sigrafitto Seramikler” (15 min.). Seramikler” (15 min.).
Poster Sunumu / Poster Session
Şakir Can (Bilkent University): An Annales Approach to the Late Chalcolithic Period in North Mesopotamia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veli Ünsal (Ahi Evran University): Arslantepe’de Karaz Kültürü
Fatih Bahçeci (Malatya Municipality), Prof. Dr. İsmail Fatih Bahçeci (Malatya Municipality), Prof. Dr. İsmail Aytaç (Fırat University): Darende Geleneksel Konut Mimarisinde Şerbetlikler Ve Alçi Lambaliklar
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülseren Kan Şahin (Sinop University), Ergün Laflı: The landscape of Arslantepe during the Late Antique and Byzantine periods
Cansu Melek Kıraç, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevgi Görmüş Cansu Melek Kıraç, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevgi Görmüş Cengiz (İnönü University): Harput Kentinin Mekansal Organizasyonun Tarihsel Süreci
Prof. Dr. İsmail Aytaç (Fırat University), Elif Tatlı: Şahabiye-İ Kübra Medresesi Kazisina Ait Seramik Buluntular
Öğle Yemeği Lunch Time
Öğleden Sonra / Afternoon: Karakaya Barajı Gezisi / Trip Öğleden Sonra / Afternoon: Karakaya Barajı Gezisi / Trip to the Karakaya Dam
7 Ekim / 7 October 2018 Saat /Time: 16:00
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankası Sanat Koleksiyonundan “MALATYA MODERN’E DOĞRU İLK ADIM” Sergisi.
“THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS THE MALATYA MODERN” “THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS THE MALATYA MODERN” Exhibition Featuring Selected Pieces From the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Art Collection.